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Aion 3.0 Abyss Eternal Armor Sets

aion 3.0 abyss armor lvl 60
Aion team has recently released on Korean PowerBook details about new Level 60 Abyss Eternal Armor Sets. Some important facts are:

  • Level 60 abyss armor has class and type restrictions
  • The armor stats will be the same for both Elyos and Asmo, but the armor appearance will be different.
  • There will be 3 types of eternal armor sets: normal PvP armor, armor set with set bonuses and the best armor with AP conditioning

aion 3.0 abyss level 60 eternal armor set female
aion 3.0 abyss level 60 eternal armor set male

For additional information about armor stats and appearance visit Daeva’s report