Tag Archives: lore-master

Book 7 Lore-Master Changes

Book 7 Lore-Master Changes

  • Decreased the power cost reduction to -5% for the following Lore-master tomes: Tome of Beasts, Tome of Nature, and Tome of the DĂșnedain.
  • Knowledge of the Lore-master, displays more complete information again.
  • Text for the Ancient Master was incorrectly referring to Dead rather than Men with Improvements for Warding Lore.
  • Removed Subtle Wizard from the Lore-master Traits. (Statistically, it was not used by LM anywhere.)
  • Added “Fast Loader” which removes induction from BF. (The answer to the riddle, “Why does the Burglar not have an induction for Riddle but the Lore-master has one for BF?”)


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