Tag Archives: Aion

Aion’s Spiritmaster Screenshots

Last week we wrote about Aion’s Mage subclass Spiritmasters. Although the Aion is still in its beta stage for EU and US players  the Aion’s developers have released four new screenshots for Mage subclass, the Spiritmaster.

While we are all waiting for the Fourth Aion Closed Beta Event on Friday, July 17, 2009, you should take a look at the higher level ‘pets’ screenshots.

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Aion’s Mage subclass The Spiritmaster

One of the fastest leveling Aion’s class are Mages with two subclasses Spiritmaster and a Sorcerer. The big difference between a Spiritmaster and a Sorcerer is the relationship between either of them with the elements. A Sorcerer is fundamentally a scholar. A Spiritmaster is an artist.  Spiritmasters have an instinctive rapport with wind, fire, water, and earth. They can coax fearsome elemental spirits into existence with the power of their charisma and their will, then send them hurtling toward their enemies. A Sorcerer could tell you what formula invokes the power of fire, but a Spiritmaster would just snap his fingers and order his Flame Spirit to attack.

More details about the Spiritmaster subclass

Upcoming Aion Closed Beta Events

The Fourth Aion Closed Beta Event starts on Friday, July 17, 2009 – Noon PT, and ends on Monday, July 20, 2009. For this event we can expect the first 25 levels of both the Elyos and Asmodians and a first taste of the Abyss!

For the first time, Aion players will get to experience the infamous Abyss, an unstable rift between the two shattered halves of Atreia where the center of the Tower of Eternity used to be. Get ready for a whole new MMO experience with PvPvE – epic battles with hundreds of Elyos and Asmodians fighting both each other and the AI-controlled Balaur!

Upcoming Closed Beta Events:

Closed Beta Event #4 – July 17-July 20 Focus: Elyos and Asmodian levels 1-25
Closed Beta Event #5 – July 31-August 3 Focus: TBD
Closed Beta Event #6 – August 14-August 17 Focus: TBD
