Tag Archives: Aion

Aion Manastones Guide


In Aion, there are three basic ways to enchant your gear. The first is using Enchantment stones, the second is using Manastones, and the third is using Godstones.


Manastones contain a certain statistic and a certain value. For example, Manastone: Accuracy +12. In this case, this Manastone would add 12 to your Accuracy value if you placed it into a socket of one of your equipped items. Similar to the Enchantment stones, only the following slots contain sockets: chest slot, legs slot, shoulders slot, hands slot, feet slot, primary slot, and secondary slot. Also, the higher the rarity of the item, the more sockets it contains.

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Aion Enchantment Stones

There are three basic ways to enchant your gear in Aion. The first is using Enchantment stones, the second is using Manastones, and the third is using Godstones. The most frustrating parts of learning how to enhance is learning that they can fail and have negative side-effects on your gear!

Creating Enchantment Stone

Before you can use Enchantment stones, you must create them. In order to create them, visit a nearby General Goods Merchant and purchase Extraction Tools. One set of tools is used per extraction. In order to extract, you must Right-Click on the Extraction Tools and then Left-Click on the item you wish to extract from. There are some important guidelines! First, you can only extract from items that can be enhanced. These are your chest slot, legs slot, shoulders slot, hands slot, feet slot, primary slot, and secondary slot. Second, when you extract from an item, that item is destroyed. Do not extract from items you wish to keep or use, obviously.

Once you have extracted an item, you will receive Enchantment stones. They come in the form: Level # Enchantment. The level corresponds to an item’s level, not your level.

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Aion Abyss Points

Abyss gate

The Abyss is a region of Atreia located between Elysea and Asmodae. This area is reserved for higher level characters and end-game purposes because of highly desirable items and rare resources.  It is an unpredictable area, with new challenges and opportunities for victory. The Abyss also offers the best place to gain experience, since the creatures provide a greater bonus to the advancement of player characters than those found in other areas.

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Aion Armour Set Guide

Unlike the other games Aion has decided to let you improve not just your characters, but also your armour sets. That can actually be seen in the physical appearance of your character. These screenshots will give you a quick sneak peek at some of the stunning armour sets you can expect to see in Aion. Before we start, it may be worth pointing out that there are far more armour sets available throughout the game than the few we will be showing you here in this article.

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Aion Closed Beta Event 4

We’ve already shared with you some information about upcoming Aion Beta Event 4. Just a few days remains until the next beta event and here’s what you will want to remember:

Focus: Elyos and Asmodian levels 1-25, including access to the Abyss.
Starting time: 17th of July (noon PST, 8 PM BST, 9 PM CEST)
Ending time: 20th of July (July 19th 11.59 PM PST, July 20th 8 AM BST/9 AM CEST)

More details about upcoming event