Tag Archives: Aion

Aion patch 1.5 official HD video

Korean Aion players are getting ready for the third major content update in patch 1.5. To hype up the occasion NCsoft released a trailer for the upcoming patch featuring all in game footage of the new instances and battlegrounds. The 1.5 patch is the one the Western players will be starting the game with, so you might want to check out what awaits us all. All of you playing the Closed Beta events are sure to recognize the Dark Poeta, inverted version of the Elyos starting area. This is now a new instance full of Balaur that requires lvl 50 and a quest item to enter. There is also a pirate infested instance called Steelrake Valley for lvl 40+ players, new battleground ( Dreadgion ) and new Abyss instances. You can read the translated patch notes here.

But the star is certainly the new trailer showcasing all of the above. Watch it in HD if at all possible because it really is worth it.

Aion’s Mage subclass The Sorcerer


One of the most popular Aion’s classes are Mages with two subclasses Spiritmaster and a Sorcerer. Few weeks ago we wrote about Aion’s Mage subclass The Spiritmaster and now is time to make a sneak peak at The Sorcerer.

Brief Introduction

Sorcerers take an academic, almost scientific, approach to magic and manipulating Aether. Through careful study, they’ve learned some of the natural laws that influence how Aether flows through the world, especially how it interacts with water, fire, wind, and earth. In South Korea, they describe the Sorcerer as the “sword of glass.” This metaphor evokes the damage a Sorcerer can do (like a sword) and its vulnerability (made of glass). A Sorcerer can only equip cloth armor and its physical defense and health are extremely low. Its evasion is also low, so in general, a Sorcerer is weak against physical attacks. In the low levels of Sorcerer, the class doesn’t have many skills that recover mana points (MP), so a Sorcerer may find they spend a lot of time on MP recovery.
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New Asmodian and Elyos Prologues

New improvements for Aion Closed Beta event #5 include the first sound files in English as NPC greetings, farewells and narration. Just to give you an idea, the Aion voiceover localization process involved:

• Approximately 200 speaking parts
• 200 voiced cinematics/cut scenes
• 8,000-10,000 lines of dialog
• 45,000 voice audio files
• Three weeks of recording time (not including additional voice pickups)

That’s not all, The Tower of Eternity – the english prologue videos for the Elyos and Asmodians are available now.

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Aion Closed Beta Event 5

Aion Closed Beta event #5 (CB5) is coming tomorrow July 31 – August 3. New fixes, improvements and fine additions have been completed since the previous event. To give you an overview, please find below a pure list of things to expect for this coming weekend:

  • New Sound files have been added
    • NPCs should now have a greet and farewell voice
    • Cutscenes will now have voice
    • Race Prologues are now available when you create a new character for Elyos and Asmodian
    • Tutorial videos are now available in game via the help menu
    • Player voices are now available at character creation
    • System voices are now available
  • New NPC Dialogue/Quest text for Theobomos and Brusthonin
  • Various Localization fixes
    • Broken HTMLs have been fixed
    • Various grammatical errors have been fixed
    • Various Glossary term fixed
  • 2 New servers added for each territory

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