Tag Archives: Aion

Roleplaying Legion Faire

Legion Spring Faire

Roleplaying community on Lumiel is hosting a roleplaying event on Sunday May 16 with the purpose of recruiting new members to RP Legions. The whole event is organized by aionroleplayers.com members and it will take place in Sanctum on Sunday, May 16th @ 8pm CST (6pm PST, 7pm MST, 9pm EST). To read the full announcement please visit the AionRolePlayers.com forums.

Here’s the most important info:

What: Role-playing legion “recruitment” event, in support of the growth & longevity of Lumiel’s Elyos RP legions
Date/Time: Sunday, May 16th @ 8pm CST (6pm PST, 7pm MST, 9pm EST)
Location: Sanctum, Elyos Square

Why: Meet & Greet for role-play legions and interested recruits to get together and to interactively learn more about what RP legions are active in the Lumiel Elyos community and what niches they fill. This is also a great opportunity for RP legions to better get to know each other and network a bit.

Faire Contacts: Katriel & Teuta
(Interested in helping? We will need help spreading the word and with contacting RP legions with invites. Please PM or /whisper Katriel)

Channels: Join the following RP Recruitment Faire channels to hear each guild give their 1-2 minute “OOC” pitch describing their legion. Registered legions will be given the floor to speak in alphabetical order, and will be given a brief amount of time following their pitch to answer OOC questions. You can find them at their “booth” for further, more detailed Q&A as well as for RP interactions with them.

/join RPLRF-E for the duration of this event.

Double XP weekend and patch 2.0 notes

For whoever is not playing on the quintuple XP PST server you will be able to enjoy increased XP gains throughout the weekend. This has become a regular thing now, to have a double XP weekend every two weeks. I wonder if this will continue once 1.9 hits live. I guess it depends on how big of a XP boost the patch will introduce. Anyone that is playing on the Korean servers has this in formation perhaps *starts digging through forums and google translator*?

While you wait for the double XP weekend to start you can check out the Initial Patch 2.0 Notes. The thing is humongous and gives all the information we hoped for. There will be 2 new lands (for each race one) that are Balaur themed. The level cap goes to lvl 55 with new skills and Stigmas. We get a new “ground” Abyss PvPvE land and instance (another Dredgion). There are 6 new instances including single player instances for lower levels and some 6 and 12 man instances. The instances will have easy and difficult paths and these will determine the quality of loot. A functional pet system is introduced with pets that can be used as storage, scouts (for PvP), for getting crafting materials (when fed they produce a random material) or a combination of all. You can read the full patch notes on the official site. I’m copying them to our Patch Notes section as well, but it will take some time…

Aion PTS XP multiplier goes above 4x

public test server experience gain

We reported yesterday that the newly created Aion public Test Server has a 30% XP increase over the regular live servers. This was based on us killing several mobs on level one in starting Elyos areas. Turns out that this is true only for the first few levels. The image above shows the same characters at level 6 and they are killing the same mob only on different server versions. As you can see the PTS XP is 4.5 times higher (no rest bonus or other XP increasing buff was present). This changes the XP curve significantly.

There are people overrunning the PTS. This reminds me of times when the game launched and everyone eagerly going through content. I’ve seen people lvl 27 today and I am guessing some are in their mid 30s by now.

We’re all eagerly awaiting the 1.9 patch as well to debut on the PTS. If the server doesn’t buckle at that point it never will :) .

Help with how to install Aion Public Test Server

Seems others are having the same problem we had with installing the PST client and it being seen by the NCSoft launcher.

Kuroi of the EU server Castor has posted a solution in this thread on the official forums and I am reposting it here so we spread the information as fast as possible.

He says the following:

“Ok, I guess there are people like me that don’t keep their games on the same drive or the same folder with rest of programs. And they are bound to have some problems with PTS client preparation when attempting to “copy, rename” routine and Launcher won’t find it. I did ^^v

So for those who encountered this problem goes this guide.”

Here are the instructions:

Quit NCLauncher before doing any of this.

1st option – registry patch
1. Open any text editor. Notepad will do.
2. Paste this :


3. Replace “C:\\Games\\AionPTS” with path to your PTS client. Note that all slashes are doubled now.
4. Save files as (for example) aion_pts_client.reg
5. Now go to where you save this file and double click on it. After approving the changes – start NCLauncher.

2nd option – NCLauncher config modifications
(I’ve not verified this method myself, but it should work… In theory :P Designated to those who don’t want to work with OS registry)
1. Go to Program Files/NCSoft/Launcher/Config/Default folder
2. Open Games.xml in notepad or any other text editor
3. Find:

4. Right below it should be:
5. Replace any of those lines with:
Drive:\Path\to\Game\AionPTS – there should be the full path to your PTS client folder.
6. Start NCLauncher

WARNING: None of this information is official nor officially recommended. You can wait for NCSoft to address this problem, but in case you are inpatient you can try some of these methods. Don’t say we didn’t warn you though.

30% more XP on the Public Test Server

public test server comparison to regular server

We jumped right into the newly opened Aion Public Test Server and the XP increase compared to the regular client seems to be 30%. At least on the first levels. We’ll try and officially confirm this.

Also, when trying to create the copy of the PTS client we ran into some difficulties although we followed the instructions for manual installation. I have Aion installed in non default directory (D:\Aion2) and when I copied this directory into D:\ and renamed it (so the new directory is called D:\AionPTS), as the instructions suggested, the NCSoft launcher still didn’t recognize the PTS installation.

I created a folder named AionPTS in C:/Program Files/NCsoft/ and copied the files there. The launcher recognized it then and things went smooth from there on.

Also, I noticed in the official forum thread that people sometimes suggest you delete the addcache.xml file in your AionPTS folder and repair the client.