Tag Archives: Aion

Aion name changes explanation

After the Aion servers merges scheduled for July 14, 2010, a small number of players will be affected by the same-name conflicts. Aion team has announced several solutions:

  1. Rather than resetting everyone’s names to a random string of characters, we opted for finding an alternative solution which wouldn’t take everyone back to dark ages. The best solution we could find, one that had been used successfully in the past, involved tagging a server name suffix onto the end of each character’s name. By adding this suffix we would allow you to maintain the tradition accumulated in your name, even if you’d encounter a name conflict on the new server.

    We’re supplying all characters with a free Name Change ticket which you can use to regain your former name, or start fresh with something new. If you have a popular name and other claimants exist, you are still able to retain your old name with the server suffix added.

  2. Once the merge occurs, a character with a name that is up to 14 letters long will have a two-letter server abbreviation added to the end of the name. For example, “Fergreedy” on Azphel would become “FergreedyAZ” after the merge.

    A character name that is 15 letters long will have a one-letter server abbreviation added to the end of the name. For example, “Misterhappyface” on Azphel would become “MisterhappyfaceA”. In the rare instance that two characters transferring to a merged server share the same name and it is 16 letters long, one of the characters will be renamed.

  3. When the merge maintenance is completed on July 14, 2010, you’ll be able to log in and use your free Character Name Change ticket change your name. All uses of that Character Name Change ticket will be on a “first come, first served” basis.

Aion Server Merge Delayed

Aion server merges have been delayed for a couple of days – to July 14, 2010. The main reason for this decision is the same-name conflicts between the players with the same character name on servers that will be merged.

We want to update you about some changes relating to the upcoming server merge. We are setting in place processes to resolve same-name conflicts once the upcoming server merge takes place. In order to provide a fair and just resolution, we are changing the server merge date to July 14, 2010.


Aion 2.0 exclusive weapons

Developing an appetite while crushing your enemies in the Abyss? You are in luck because in Aion 2.0 you’ll be able to wield weapons of immense power that also look pretty edible.

Korean powerbook (equivalent of our powerwiki) released screenshots of these “funny” looking Aion 2.0 weapons so if you ever had a desire to stick a corn looking dagger into your enemies you are able to do so now. Check out all of the weapons in our gallery bellow or you can visit the Korean site (conveniently translated with Google) here.

Aion 2.0 Funny weapons Gallery Part 1

Corn Dagger Pea Dagger Lilly Onion Mace Fish 1 2h Sword
Fish 2 2h Sword Sunflower Cabbage Mace

Aion 2.0 Funny weapons Gallery Part 2

Apple Book Pineapple Book Bow Seashell 2 Shield Seashell 1 Shield
Orb 1 Orb 2 Lightning Sword

Weekly Poll: What are your plans after the Aion servers merge?

Aion servers merge is nearly upon us bringing some new speculations and putting a huge amount of curiosity and concern into circulation. This week we have a new question for you: What are your plans after the servers merge?

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.