Monthly Archives: July 2009

Aion’s Spiritmaster Screenshots

Last week we wrote about Aion’s Mage subclass Spiritmasters. Although the Aion is still in its beta stage for EU and US players  the Aion’s developers have released four new screenshots for Mage subclass, the Spiritmaster.

While we are all waiting for the Fourth Aion Closed Beta Event on Friday, July 17, 2009, you should take a look at the higher level ‘pets’ screenshots.

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BlizzCon 2009 Fan Art Contest

The official BlizzCon 2009 Fan Art Contest is back. Talented artists can work on creating Warcraft, StarCraft, or Diablo universe-inspired pieces of art. The artwork of the three winners will be displayed on the fan art webpage, accessible through and the homepage. Winning entries will also be displayed at BlizzCon 2009.

Find out more details about BlizzCon 2009 Fan Art Contest

Level 68 cold weather flying in patch 3.2


World of Warcraft’s patch 3.2 has already been dubbed the alt leveling patch and the latest news about mount changes just confirms it. First there were changes to the level at which you can obtain regular mounts. Just to remind you, here’s the list:

– Regular land mounts trainable at level 20 (was 30)
– Epic land mounts trainable at level 40 (was 60)
– Regular flying mounts trainable at level 60 (was 70)
– Regular flying mounts speed increased to a 150% gain (was 60%)

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Aion’s Mage subclass The Spiritmaster

One of the fastest leveling Aion’s class are Mages with two subclasses Spiritmaster and a Sorcerer. The big difference between a Spiritmaster and a Sorcerer is the relationship between either of them with the elements. A Sorcerer is fundamentally a scholar. A Spiritmaster is an artist.  Spiritmasters have an instinctive rapport with wind, fire, water, and earth. They can coax fearsome elemental spirits into existence with the power of their charisma and their will, then send them hurtling toward their enemies. A Sorcerer could tell you what formula invokes the power of fire, but a Spiritmaster would just snap his fingers and order his Flame Spirit to attack.

More details about the Spiritmaster subclass