Category Archives: humor

Server Transfers Reaction

   The day has come for my server to get a free transfer to Nightmare lands. The moment I found out about it was the moment I transferred. It was a painless process that took about 2 minutes. I had to repick my legacy name, but my character names were left intact. The best thing […]

Alderaan Tactics

   Sometimes it just so happens that the PvP group you have entered behaves randomly for no apparent reason whatsoever. Situation described above actually happened to me several times and to this day I can’t get over the fact it actually happened. They could have said noooo – we will go our own way. Maybe […]

That Feel in Huttball

   There are things happening in SWTOR’s warzones that I can never understand. I am a competitive guy by nature and when I see people doing things that are directly opposite of what can bring the win to your team I am just perplexed by the behavior. When this keeps repeating I actualy start finding […]

CAD SWTOR Comic – The Gift Season

Ctrl-Alt-Del webcomic has been a favorite pass time of mine for many years now. The author, Tim Buckley, is a dedicated gamer and as such he started playing SWTOR lately. This has sprung up several SWTOR themed comics. I’m attaching his latest one here but I highly recommend you go over to his site and […]

Star Wars: The naughty and nice list.

SWTOR Launched officially on December 20th, 2012.  No shit right?  You literally have to either have your head so far up BF3/CoD’s ass that all you see is cross-hairs and snipers in every window, or give less of a shit about video games than a common rat-turd, in which case THIS IS NOT THE ARTICLE […]